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Sofia Pistrila MSc, CNP

Department(s): Faculty

Sofia is a Certified Nutritionist Practitioner and an honours graduate of the Institute of Holistic Nutrition. She also has a Master’s degree in Science from “Traian Vuia” University, Romania. Sofia is the founder of FeellikeSpring Nutrition and Wellness Clinic in Toronto. In her quest to help people to attain their true balance of mind, body and spirit, she incorporates in her practice several other modalities like Energy Medicine, Reiki, Reflexology and Pilates. Sofia’s 18 years’ experience of the industrial and corporate world gives her the understanding of the importance of harmony between work and personal time in one’s life. Her own experience with debilitating health problems resulting from working in a high stress environment ignited her interest in holistic healing. What started as a personal necessity, ended up being a passion to help others. In her practice her main focus is to educate people about the negative effects of stress and ways to deal with it. Through customized diet, life style changes and intervention at energetic level, Sofia helps her clients to “FeellikeSpring”, to blossom to their full potential. She shares her own healing journey and knowledge with clients and the public through one-to-one consultations, small group seminars, workshops, community centers presentations and community newspapers. She is an active member of Friends of Alternative and Complementary Therapies (FACT) and Women in a Home Office (WHO). Sofia teaches Nutritional Symptomatology Part 2 at Institute of Holistic Nutrition’s Online program.

NS 003 Nutritional Symptomatology Part 2

Nutritional Symptomatology Part 2 is an advanced course that builds on the foundational knowledge gained in Nutritional Symptomatology Part 1. This course provides students with a thorough knowledge of the underlying causes of disease and methods to prevent and address them. Practical assessment tools such as the Nutribody Questionnaire, complete Lifestyle and Health History Assessment Forms (i.e. diet, supplementation, medications, activity levels, habits, work, sleep, stress, mindset), pH Testing, Basal Temperature Tests and Hormonal Testing are discussed in their application to clinical nutrition. This course covers complicated symptomatology that informs the development of supplementation, diet, and lifestyle protocols for more complex conditions, including digestive challenges like leaky gut, dysbiosis, and inflammatory bowel states, endocrine dysfunctions with focus on estrogen dominance, adrenals and thyroid, liver and kidney detoxification/support as well as immune system issues, including autoimmune diseases and cancer. Students are taught and evaluated on the design of intricate clinical protocols addressing chronic health conditions.

Learning Outcomes

• Research and prepare specific strategic plans targeted to resolve chronic conditions to restore homeostasis from a diseased to a healthy state
• How to put together all the pieces of your client’s puzzle through what they write on forms and what shows from assessments. Learn to tune in to the complete picture and connecting the dots. Build skills in increasing compliance.
• Why opening the doors to the channels of elimination (kidneys, bowel, skin, lungs, liver, and lymphatic) is a crucial first step in healing
• Furthering the knowledge on optimizing digestion and clearing waste through the pathways of elimination
• Implementation of the five steps to heal the gut concept of, “remove, replace, reinoculated, repair and rebalance”, through the use of customized supplementation (micronutrients, herbals, phytochemicals, homeopathy), lifestyle, environment, and diet
• How to asses hormonal imbalances and best approach to overcome various conditions linked to hormone dysregulation and autoimmune diseases
• Become comfortable with addressing various cancer scenarios, where a supportive or integrative approach may be quite beneficial to the client
• How to develop a multifaceted strategy to resolve many common and complex client cases
• When to propose other healing modalities, such as (but not limited to) colon hydrotherapy, coffee enemas, lymphatic massages, CBT, somatic therapy, reflexology, acupuncture, breathwork, and stress reduction modalities that may be helpful for clients

Nutritional Symptomatology Part 2 strengthens protocols developed by practitioners who are trained in advanced clinical assessment tools. This course highlights the necessity for critical thinking and evidence-based research in application to chronic health concerns.