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Nicole Taylor BFA, CNP

Department(s): Faculty

Nicole Taylor, a graduate of the Institute of Holistic Nutrition and Certified Nutritional Practitioner, merges clinical expertise with a passion for holistic healing modalities.

Drawing from intuition and Louise Hay’s principles, she crafts custom herbal and therapeutic nutrition plans. With a BFA from OCAD University in painting, specializing in human anatomy, Nicole integrates the science of psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunology, holistic nutrition and Iridology with the spiritual elements of foraging, grounding practices, and flow states in her clinical practice.

Founding the Flowly Method, an innovative online program integrating therapeutic nutrition and flow state techniques, she empowers others to address stress-related symptoms and dis-ease.

Nicole teaches courses in Neuroendocrine modulation and is an instructor at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition online where she teaches Nutritional Symptomatology Part I, Comparative Diets, Nutrition Through the Lifespan and The Psychology of Disease.

NS 003 Nutritional Symptomatology Part I

Nutritional Symptomatology Part 1 introduces students to the foundations of clinical nutrition by interpreting physiological symptoms and their relationships to nutritional deficiencies, excesses and toxicities. This course introduces the interrelationships of nutrients and the critical role they play in determining optimal health. Students will develop foundational, as well as condition specific, protocols to restore the body’s balance. This course trains students to understand how physiological symptoms reflect and determine an individual’s nutritional status. Concepts taught include the essential principles of biochemical individuality through i.e. genetics, environment, microbiome, to see each client, and themselves, as truly unique. Students are taught to produce, and are evaluated on, the completion of clinical case study sets.

Learning Outcomes:

• Gain insight into physiological symptoms associated with nutrient deficiency
• Develop professional food, supplement, lifestyle and detox protocols as they relate to specific clinical symptoms
• Learn detailed explanations of underlying causes of disease and their relationship to food from a cellular to systems perspective
• Understand how to develop comprehensive strategies with a focus on natural remedies for resolving common and complex issues

Nutritional Symptomatology Part 1 explores the process of holding consultations using a variety of practitioner-level assessment tools to move clients towards favourable outcomes. Students learn the critical role that biochemical individuality plays in determining results-based personalized nutrition.

CD 011 Comparative Diets

Comparative Diets provides a critical assessment of the many therapeutic benefits and limitations of several alternative diet approaches, including low-carb diets, high-protein diets (Paleo Diet, Dr. Atkins, Keto, Carnivore), Plant-based approaches (Vegetarian, Vegan, Fruitarian, Raw Food, Rainbow), Longevity and Cultural diets (Okinawa, Mediterranean, Macrobiotic, Fasting), Condition-based diets (Glycemic Index, Intermittent Fasting, Food Combining, Low-FODMAP-Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols, GAPS-Gut and Psychology Syndrome, AIP-Autoimmune Protocol). This course will also address, in detail, the main detoxification diets from caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine. Students are taught and evaluated on succinctly identifying dietary imbalances as well as analyzing micronutrient propositions to design custom health-promoting diets and lifestyle programs.

Learning Outcomes:

• Explore kinetics of living systems, the law of opposites and the effects on the body and feelings of certain foods, the meaning of cravings
• Distinguish the models of food dynamics including expansive/contracting and acid/alkaline food products
• Describe how holistic individuality, metabolic typing, and the blood type diet are rooted in personalized biochemistry
• Explain the benefits of cold-pressed juice to address both acute and chronic health conditions and increase vitality
• Develop insights into the fundamental knowledge of mechanistic principles and complementary effects of several alternative diet regimens on health

Comparative Diets informs future practitioners to recommend specific dietary protocols that are determined by biochemical individuality. To promote optimal health, this course instructs practitioners to safely and effectively recommend nourishing and cleansing diets.

NLS 010 Nutrition Through The Life Span

Nutrition Through the Lifespan addresses macro and micronutrient needs based on the lifespan model. A healthy nutritional status is vital throughout every stage, supporting pregnancy outcomes, growth, and aging. This comprehensive course begins with the foundations of essential nutrients for fertility and pregnancy; pediatrics including lactation with particular attention to infant feeding in the first year; navigating childhood nutritional demands; to adolescence including allergies and disorders as they relate to the repercussions of nutritional deficiencies. Early adulthood, midlife and mature adulthood for women’s and men’s health is explored, adding lifestyle and environmental factors that contribute to optimal health at each life stage. Support for nutritional challenges faced in geriatric nutrition round out the program. This course introduces students to the etiology and symptoms of common health conditions that are a key determinant of nutritional status. Evaluations through tests and case studies examine individualized dietary requirements, giving students the insight and ability to design optimal nutrition, supplement and lifestyle guidance for clients throughout their stages of life.

Learning Objectives:
• To understand nutritional choices impact overall health and vitality, for all age groups and their related conditions
• Students will develop protocols that include dietary, detox, supplementation and lifestyle recommendations at all stages
• To gain an understanding of the significant nutritional needs for optimal pregnancy, growth, and development
• To analyze and address contributing factors in the elimination of food allergies and intolerances, particularly for children

• Address the imperative nature of optimal digestive health, at all stages

Nutrition Through the Lifespan contributes to keen insights into the lifespan model to address conditions and imbalances. Using a case study approach, this course is highly applicable, giving students the opportunity to research and develop key protocols for diverse age ranges.

POD 012 The Psychology of Disease

The Psychology of Disease offers an introduction to the field of Energy Medicine. This well investigated branch of integrative and alternative medicine studies how biological, social and psychological factors influence health and illness. This course introduces students to the fundamental premise that our physical body demonstrably corresponds to our psychology. The energy of our thoughts, emotions and beliefs can express themselves as matter in the form of a condition or disease.
Students explore the energy centres of the body; the chakra system to understand how the body speaks through its own vocabulary. Its language is physical signs and symptoms that are tied to memories, environment or experiences, energetically creating an imbalance. The course looks at how chakras conduct the ten major systems of the body, particularly the endocrine system, and how increasing awareness of one’s thought patterns can inhibit or assist our health and our ability to achieve balance.
The Psychology of Disease is a unique course of personal self-development from self-knowledge and self-awareness that will inform future practitioners how to guide their clients to look for clues surrounding their health and work to unpack energetic blockages for deep healing.
Students will be taught and evaluated on introductory principles of energy medicine such as the biology of belief, therapeutic applications of subtle energies, the chakra system, as well as assignments to learn strategies that manifest wellness including the profound impact of food.

Learning Outcomes

• Understand the physical, mental, and spiritual connections to health and illness
• How to identify thought patterns and belief systems that contribute to disease/health imbalances
• Be able to confidently provide recommendations for reframing stressors to shift perspectives, that can positively shift health outcomes
• Awareness of traditional and contemporary energy medicine modalities and techniques to build into one’s practice
• Getting out of the way of, and trusting your intuition
• Discernment around how and when to discuss the purpose of disease and the language of illness with clients

The Psychology of Disease is a personal development course that combines well-established mainstream science in chemistry and biology with quantum physics evidence that shows us there is no difference between energy and matter. Whether students look at chakras as literal places in the body, or metaphoric ones, this course will increase self-awareness to activate mind/body connections that optimize healing. Energy Medicine is at the forefront of driving curiosity to acknowledge and provide practitioners with the opportunity to learn how nature organizes itself, at all levels, for the greatest impact to healing.