Fitness and Sports Nutrition is the practical application of Body Metabolism. This course focuses on methods where nutrition maximizes muscle strength, endurance, and flexibility through building muscle and reducing fat. Techniques for guiding athletes in proper nutrition, and healthy eating patterns, are taught as well as effective methods to decrease fatigue, prevent dehydration and sports-related injuries due to insufficient nutrient levels. Students are taught leading and diverse methods and techniques in optimizing sports performance based on specific macronutrient and micronutrient needs for high intensity and long duration exercise. Students are evaluated through a research-based case study and learn how to implement nutritional timing methods to maximize the client’s ability to condition for, perform and recover, for continued self-improvement to live an active lifestyle.
Learning Outcomes:
• Calculate energy requirements as it pertains to exercise and body composition
• To recognize and critically analyze the safety and efficacy of the physiological effects of sports supplements
• To understand how anabolic steroids work and their detrimental effects on health
• Gain insight into macronutrient, micronutrient, antioxidant and energy metabolism during exercise
• Understand how stress levels, sleep, mental and emotional wellness contribute to maximizing performance
Fitness and Sports Nutrition provides practitioners key insights into nutrient metabolism and absorption to elevate training and sports performance. This course teaches students to develop nutrition protocols as fuel for vigorous activity levels with thorough integration of physiology, biochemistry, anatomy, energy balance, and caloric calculations.