Therapeutic Nutrition & Supplementation in Practice CETNS
Instructor: Vanessa Peacock BSc (Nutritional Medicine), RNCP/ROHP
This course helps practitioners make sense of the vast amount of research and public dialogue on therapeutic nutrition and supplementation. It is designed for health care practitioners interested in increasing their knowledge of using foods and supplements therapeutically. We will discuss the scientifically supported healing properties of each supplement and therapeutic/super food, their basic mechanism of action, and highlight the best evidence-based interventions for common health conditions they can improve and/or heal. Protocols will include recommendations for usage, dosages, interrelationships and interactions with other nutrients, and contraindications. Participants will learn which nutrients drugs deplete, which supplements can reduce these side effects, and what to look for in choosing quality supplements.
LOCATION: In class/online
SESSIONS: New Dates Coming Soon!
TIME: TBD (Pacific)
REQUIRED TEXT: Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, by Michael Murray ND & Joseph Pizzorno ND. Contact the IHN campus for details on the options of purchasing required textbooks
FEE: $420 + GST